Monday, April 5, 2010

Is There Something Wrong With Me?!?!

  **Just a word of warning right from the start for anyone reading this (IF anyone truly does read this blog of mine) so you can decide if you would rather not continue reading...this one is going to be a rambler, maybe even a little off the wall.**

  I am scared!! I am too comfortable with the way my life has been for a long time now and I am scared to have it change. I am perfectly happy living in my mom's home in my own room that is 100% mine, I am perfectly happy sleeping in the bed that I got to pick out that feels like a soft wonderful enveloping cloud everytime I lay down on it to sleep. I am happy sitting with my mom watching TV or sitting in the hot tub or wandering around outside. I am happy...I am content and I feel safe. BUT, I know that if I want my happily ever after with the man that I love more than I ever thought was possible, I am going to have to give it all up and make a life somewhere new, somewhere not in the house that my daddy built and that completely SCARES me! Don't get me wrong, I want to be a wife and make a house a home with my husband and make that home warm and comforting and inviting, but the thought of leaving all that I am comfortable and happy with behind forever (with the exception of visits) makes me so scared I begin to distance myself.  I can't give you just one reason...there are several.  For instance, I do not want to abandon my mom and leave her here in this big house all alone, I don't want to leave my room and all the memories I have in it behind, I don't want to move out of the home that my dad built for us, I don't want to take all of my things away because it will make my mom sad, I don't want to uproot my little princess (my little miniature doberman) and move her far away from her friends (my little sis's dog and the big ole lazy family dog)...the list goes on and on and on. However, I do not want to end my fairy tale with my perfect man, I do not want to break it off with him just to stay here...I am torn two ways and I just feel so dumb that I am so this normal?

  I am sad!!  I got laid off from a job where I always came home upset and sad and angry. A job where I had to monitor my every move, action, word, breath just to make sure that nothing could be read into it or taken the wrong way. A job where everyday a new HORRIBLE rumor starring me would pop up...without fail, even if I had been gone on vacation for a week. A job where I was the minority and it was thrown in my face and held against me every chance it could be. A job that I no longer loved going to.   I was laid off from this gosh awful job...and it makes me SAD! Why?! Why am I sad that I no longer have this job? I should be totally grateful and happy that I no longer have all the stress it brought into my life but I am not...I am sad.  The only thing I can think of as to why is because I did learn something new and exciting at this job (how to weld...and I am great at it) and I got to go to places I never thought I would and see things I never thought I would ever see...I got to travel all over the country and make totally awesome memories. I should be happy but I am not...why?

  There are so many other things that I could ramble on and on about but those are the two main things that are consuming me right now. I just needed to get them off my chest...I needed to talk about them. Sorry my posts aren't profound or have some deep meaning or lesson...sorry if they bore any of you. But thank you none the less for taking the time to read them. Thank you  for letting me ramble...Thank you for any input or insight you might have for me...THANK YOU!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

31? Old? OH YEAH!!!

  This post will be short and sweet but none the less it is going to be a post. I just turned 31 and I have to be honest...I feel old! I wish that that was not the case because in reality 31 is really not all that old, but I FEEL old. I thought that by the time I was this age I would be married and have a kid or two, but neither of those have happened yet. Maybe someday...maybe not, who  knows.  Now don't get me wrong, I don't look old and I have no grey hair (yet) and so I have no idea what my problem is.  Hopefully I will get over this feeling that seems to be bringing me down...hopefully!!!
  On a different note, I did have a great birthday. I got great presents from my mom and siblings and I received a dozen of the longest Long-Stem roses I have ever seen in my life. I am 5'3" and when I stood next to them they hit me well above my belly button...THEY ARE TALL!!!  Anyway, I love everything I got and even though I didn't ask for anything I got tons of cool stuff. Thanks for all the b-day wishes and phone calls!!

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